When your pet requires immediate intensive care our emergency and critical care specialists will assess, stabilise, investigate, and can then go on to manage the recovery of patients who are presented to us as an emergency admission. Portland Vets provide a multidisciplinary approach to emergency cases, as our experienced emergency and critical care team are fully integrated with the other specialist services we offer.
If you have an emergency case, please contact us immediately on 01342 327799.
Our emergency and critical care specialists work with our internal medicine team to assess, stabilise, and investigate the causes of sudden-onset conditions and illness in patients who are experiencing an abrupt deterioration, often due to chronic disease. Once stabilised, our aim is to quickly diagnose underlying issues and then develop a suitable treatment plan.
Pets presenting with critical surgical conditions need aggressive stabilisation before they can be safely anaesthetised for surgery. Our surgical team will work with other specialists to ensure the best immediate outcome for emergency surgical admission before handing the patient to our post operative intensive care team who will look after them in our onsite 24-hour weekday intensive care unit.
Examination of the emergency facilities at Portland Vets should leave you feeling confident of the absolute best care for all of our patients. From the latest surgical facilities and staff in our operating theatres to our climate-controlled, comfortable hospital wards. We are dedicated to the best treatment and utmost care throughout their experience with us.
Contact us for more information