Our ability to perform endoscopic and laparoscopic procedures at East Grinstead are just two elements of the comprehensive surgical services on offer at Portland Vets. All our veterinary clinicians are ‘general’ surgeons, which means clients can book routine and many elective procedures with their surgeon of choice.
Our surgical facilities are available to clients with pets who are not registered with us for their primary care. If you are not registered with Portland, you and your vet can access our comprehensive surgical service via our referrals route. Please get in touch.
Portland’s veterinary surgeons use laparoscopes to examine and perform surgical procedures inside the abdominal area. If you are a client, you may come across laparoscopy if we perform procedures like laparoscopic spays, which is a less invasive ‘keyhole’ procedure for neutering female dogs. As many of our vets are certificate holders skilled in laparoscopic assisted procedures, we also offer referral services including:
Our veterinary surgeons use endoscopes to look for blockages and to examine and diagnose other conditions in the upper and lower digestive tract and sometimes even the lungs. An endoscope is a small surgical camera that allows us access through the throat or via the lower digestive tract. Like laparoscopy, endoscopic procedures are available both to registered clients and for pets who are not registered with us, via our referrals route.
Surgical referrals at East Grinstead