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Crawley Update May 2024

We’re excited to unveil the first issue of our new monthly newsletter! We put this together especially for you, so you can feel like you’re right there with us on the exciting journey of building Portland Vets Crawley. Now, let’s dive into some key highlights…

Welcome to the May edition of our construction newsletter, keeping you informed on the exciting progress of Portland Vets Crawley!

Building Progress:

  • Foundations Completed: The back half of the building is taking shape. Footings have been dug, and concrete has been poured. The front half, near the car park, will have a large basement. Excavation for this basement will occur after the base for the car park is prepared.

Car Park Update:

  • Car Park Preparation Underway: Extensive excavation is underway for the car park. Beneath the porous tarmac will lie a rainwater storage system designed for gradual release into drainage pipes. Due to the impervious rock on the site, rainwater cannot be naturally absorbed. Additionally, all utility ducting and pipework will be installed under the car park.

Protecting the Environment:

  • Hedgehog and Wildlife Relocation: Prior to any digging commencing, our dedicated team conducted a thorough morning site walk to ensure the safety of local wildlife. This proactive approach resulted in the identification and relocation of a small number of frogs to a safer area nearby. We remain committed to minimizing our environmental impact throughout the construction process.
  • Tree and Shrub Care: You might notice additional fencing within the site. This is vital to protect the roots of the surrounding protected trees and shrubs.

Looking Ahead:

  • Equipment Secured: We’re thrilled to announce that we have ordered our CT scanner and elevator! Various detailed plans are also being finalised. Additionally, the first installment of our bank loan is forthcoming.

Engaging with You:

  • Upcoming Online Pet Owner Forum: We’re dedicating significant time to organising an upcoming online pet owner forum. This initiative is driven by the possibility of Crawley Emergency Vets Ltd (a not-for-profit organization) beginning operations within the building, potentially as early as 6 months after Portland Vets opens.

We appreciate your continued interest in Portland Vets Crawley! We will keep you updated on future developments in upcoming newsletters.

In the meantime, we welcome any questions you may have and will select a few to answer in our June newsletter crawley@portlandvets.co.uk


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