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Socialisation Refresher Tips for Grown-Up Dogs

Try these socialisation refresher tips to help your adult dog re-learn basic commands and get back to being a happy and social companion.

Top Tips from Laura on Summer BBQ Pet Safety

Planning a BBQ this summer? Check out our Vet’s top tips for ensuring your pets have fun, stay safe, and can enjoy some tasty treats too.

The Art of Keeping Pets Cool on a Hot Summer’s Day

The sun is blazing and the heat is on in West Sussex. Read our advice on how to keep your pets cool.

Portland Vets’ Guide to a Safe Summer by the Sea with Your Dog

Can all dogs swim? Is it too hot for dogs? Read our beach and water safety advice for a happy and chilled summer holiday season.

Five tried and tested ways to give a cat a tablet

Here are five ways to give your cat a tablet, tried and tested by our East Grinstead veterinary nurses.

Laura shares a simple home check for overweight rabbits

Our vet Laura Sulsh, shares a simple check you can do at home to see if your rabbit is overweight.

May is Feline Hypertension Awareness Month

Portland Vets is offering 50% off Senior Cat Clinics in May! Screen for common health issues like arthritis & high blood pressure. Book using Petsapp & keep your cherished kitty healthy!

Understanding tapeworms and pinworms in pet mice, rats, and hamsters

In this article, vets at Portland Vets discuss tapeworms and pinworms in pet mice, rats, and hamsters.

Vet Laura Sulsh shares common signs of worms in dogs to look out for

This month we’re talking about how to spot worms in your dog, plus, we’ve also got a bonus downloadable guide on Flea Spotting too!

Dealing with tapeworms in cats and other intestinal parasites

Portland Vets explore why regular worming is important for cats and the dangers that intestinal worms pose.

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